DNS (Domain name system) may not be known to most people who use the Internet but it is the real invisible force driving the Internet without which everyone would be seeing numbers and IPs. The whole meaning of domain names exists today just because of DNS.
The simplest way of explaining DNS in one line is to map domain name to IP address. I am not sure how many would know that when somebody types a domain name in IE/firefox, the browser forwards the DNS request asking for ip address from the resolver of ISP (ISP Provider) and the resolver contacts the root servers and then systematically retrieves the IP address within a matter of few milliseconds.
Understanding DNS and its working is one of the most difficult computer engineering subject and yet most experienced network administrators struggle in this topic when it comes to DNS zone file writing.
Before I proceed with this article, the following are the MOST IMPORTANT points you should remember as otherwise you wouldnt understand bit.
The SOA Record
The first resource record is the Start of Authority (SOA) record, which contains general administrative and control information about the domain. It has the format:
Name Class Type Name-Server Email-Address Serial-No Refresh Retry Expiry Minimum-TTL
The record can be long, and will sometimes wrap around on your screen. For the sake of formatting, you can insert new line characters between the fields as long as you insert parenthesis at the beginning and end of the insertion to alert BIND that part of the record will straddle multiple lines. You can also add comments to the end of each new line separated by a semicolon when you do this. Here is an example:
@ IN SOA ns1.my-site.com. hostmaster.my-site.com. (
2011032601 ; serial # based on date (YYYYMMDDSS)
4H ; refresh after 4 hours
1H ; retry after 1 hour
1W ; expiry after 1 week
1D ) ; minimum TTL 1 day
Points To Remember
1. An A Record must ALWAYS contain IP address (map host to IP)
Whenever you specify A record it must contain IP address on the Right side. The A record is so important in DNS without which the meaning of mapping hostnames to IP would be absurd. So remember this!
2. CNAME (Alias) must contain hostnames. No IPs here
3. NS an MX records must contain host names. No IPs allowed.
4. Use the DOT in the end, whenever you specify a domain name in the DNS zone file. This DOT is so important and if you forget this you will have nightmares with your dns configuration.
For example
example.com. IN NS ns1.example.com.
Why DOT? simply because it tells to start query from root servers (denoted by dot)
5. MX records (for mail servers) should contain hostnames NOT IPs.
Common DNS Terms and their Meanings
(i) Glue Records
Glue records are A records that are associated with NS records to provide "bootstrapping" information to the NS records nameserver. (see RFC 1912 section 2.3)
domain.com. IN NS ns1.domain.com.
domain.com. IN NS ns2.domain.com.
ns1 IN A
ns2 IN A
domain.com. IN NS ns2.domain.com.
ns1 IN A
ns2 IN A
In the above example we are mapping each NS records to IP address (A record) thus binding nameservers to IP (that is glue them).
(ii) LAME Nameserver Delegation
A nameserver which gives non-authoritative answer is usually called 'LAME'. Every domain must have atleast 2 nameservers and if i ask each of them, and if they have domain zone information, I will get authoritative answer. If not it's a 'lame delegation'. An example of lame delegation is
domain.com IN NS ns1.domain.com
domain.com IN NS ns2.example-server.net
domain.com IN NS ns2.example-server.net
ns1.domain.com is configured to have zone information about domain but ns2.exserver.net was not configured properly and does not have any information about the domain. So ns1 will answer authoritatively wheras ns2 won't which will be 'lame' until it is set up properly.
To get more in depth understanding, let's use dig tool for example.com.
1. First we find the nameservers of example.com:
dig example.com NS
example.com. 158240 IN NS a.iana-servers.net.
example.com. 158240 IN NS b.iana-servers.net.
example.com. 158240 IN NS a.iana-servers.net.
example.com. 158240 IN NS b.iana-servers.net.
2. Since we have received 2 nameservers, we ask each of them whether they give authoritative answer. If it's authoritative 'aa' flag in the header will be set in the answer received ('aa' is authoritative answer).
> dig @b.iana-servers.net example.com NS
> dig @a.iana-servers.net example.com NS
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 60896
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;example.com. IN NS
example.com. 172800 IN NS a.iana-servers.net.
example.com. 172800 IN NS b.iana-servers.net.
> dig @a.iana-servers.net example.com NS
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 60896
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;example.com. IN NS
example.com. 172800 IN NS a.iana-servers.net.
example.com. 172800 IN NS b.iana-servers.net.
Look in the flags.
flags: qr aa rd
Since 'aa' is set in the answer, then both the nameservers of example.com provide authoritative answer. If it is lame delegation you won't get the authoritative answer.
You should not use CNAME (alias) along with NS records and it often confuses most resolvers causing loops and often leads to 'lame' delegation.
domain.com. IN NS ns1.domain.com.
domain.com. IN NS ns2.domain.com.
domain.com. In CNAME ns9.example-server.net
domain.com. IN NS ns2.domain.com.
domain.com. In CNAME ns9.example-server.net
So never use CNAME along with NS records.
(iii) Stealth Nameservers
Stealth Nameservers (or hidden nameservers) are mismatched/conflicting nameservers which exist at root level against of nameservers in the domain.
To illustrate this, when I ask parent servers about your domain for NS records at root level I get
but when I query nameservers of your domain for the NS records are not the same and comes like
Since ns.example-dns.net and ns3.domain.com is hidden both are a 'stealth nameservers'. Although there is nothing wrong in it, it is advisable not to have any stealth nameservers both at root level and in your dns server.
You can use dig command to lookup NS records at root server level.
dig +trace @K.root-servers.net example.com NS
and to ask one of the nameservers of the domain.
dig @ns0.domain.com example.com NS
Look for any NS mismatch between the two queries. If there is a nameserver missing at root level, add the missing nameserver to your domain registrar. If the nameserver missing at domain level, add the nameserver to the zone file of the domain and update all your secondary nameservers.
(iv) Open DNS Server
Running the dns server 'open' is a big security risk since it answers recursive queries both from inside and outside your network. It means anyone can query your server for IP address and your dns server will answer them.
To illustrate this, we have two nameservers running bind for domain example.com.
We ask ns1.example to resolve outside domain google.com and if we get IP address (A record) in the answer section, then it means it is an 'open dns server'.
dig @ns1.example.com google.com
dig @ns2.example.com google.com
dig @ns2.example.com google.com
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 12107
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;google.com. IN A
;; Query time: 32 msec
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 12107
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;google.com. IN A
;; Query time: 32 msec
Since there is no ANSWER section or IP address both the nameservers does not constitute open dns server.
If you happen to run bind8 or later, all you have to do is set 'recursion no' within options to disable dns server answering recursive queries.
options {
recursion no;
recursion no;
(v) Zone Transfers (AXFR request)
Zone transfers are done by secondary nameservers to retrieve latest and updated zone information for domain from master or primary nameserver. Zone transfers should only be made available to secondary nameservers and not to the open world as it is a big security risk and may expose the internals of your network to the attacker.
To request a zone transfer for example.com we need to ask the master nameserver first. See the below example with dig.
dig @ns1.example.com example.com
If you see the output with full zone file, then you have to disable the zone transfer. In most cases you will see connection failed or REFUSED which means zone transfer is not allowed and its a good thing.
Common DNS Errors in Zone file Writing
1. No CNAME pointing to NS records
domain.com. IN NS ns1.domain.com.
domain.com. IN NS ns2.domain.com.
domain.com. In CNAME ns9.example-server.net -----> WRONG
domain.com. IN NS ns2.domain.com.
domain.com. In CNAME ns9.example-server.net -----> WRONG
Placing CNAME along with NS the all of namservers will fail and will result in lame delegation. Don't do that!
2. Avoid running DNS servers on IPs on same subnet (/24) or on same server.
The whole purpose of DNS is for nameservers to be spread over different geographical locations so that if one dns fails the other would work. Although it is very common practice to run both nameservers on same server or subnet, it would not provide fault tolerance. If the server fails your nameservers will fail and your site wont load.
ns1 IN A 75.33.22.xx -----> same subnet /24
ns2 IN A 75.33.22.xx -----> same subnet /24
ns2 IN A 75.33.22.xx -----> same subnet /24
3. Proper GLUE
Always add glue to your NS records to the IP addresses using A record, failing which one of your nameservers will fail.
domain.com. IN NS ns1.domain.com.
domain.com. IN NS ns2.domain.com.
ns1 IN A -----> GLUE
ns2 IN A -----> GLUE
domain.com. IN NS ns2.domain.com.
ns1 IN A -----> GLUE
ns2 IN A -----> GLUE
4. No duplicate MX records
domain.com. IN MX mail.domain.com.
domain.com. IN MX mail.domain.com ----> DUPLICATE
domain.com. IN MX mail.domain.com ----> DUPLICATE
5. Allow Port 53 for both UDP and TCP connections
If you use firewall make sure you do not block port 53 for DNS tcp and udp requests. By default dns lookups use UDP protocol while zone transfers and notifications use TCP protocol of port 53.
Port 53 UDP = Dns Requests
Port 53 TCP = Zone transfers
Port 53 TCP = Zone transfers
6. CNAMEs cannot co-xist with MX hosts.
Do not specify CNAME or aliases pointing to MX records.
domain.com. IN MX 10 mail.domain.com.
mail IN CNAME domain.com. ----------> WRONG
mail IN CNAME domain.com. ----------> WRONG
Instead use A record to map directly to IP address.
mail IN A ---> CORRECT
7. MX Records should not contain IP addresses
domain.com. IN 10 MX mail.domain.com. ----> CORRECT
domain.com. IN 20 MX -----> WRONG
domain.com. IN 20 MX -----> WRONG
The correct way of doing this is glue the mx host to A record.
domain.com. IN MX 10 mail.domain.com. -----> CORRECT
mail IN A ----------> CORRECT
mail IN A ----------> CORRECT
8. NS records should NOT contain IP address
Always specify nameservers for your domain with NS records. It should be a name and not ip address.
domain.com. IN NS dns0.domain.com. -----> CORRECT
domain.com. IN NS 75.xx.xx.xx -----------> WRONG
domain.com. IN NS 75.xx.xx.xx -----------> WRONG
For proper mail delivery, the following anti-spam methos are very important to make sure the email is delivered to users inbox. Most public email service providers yahoo, hotmail and gmail do use these parameters to flag email is spam or not.
(i) Setup Reverse IP for your mail server with PTR in DNS (needs Dedicated IP)
(ii) Setup SPF Record in your DNS
(iii) Setup Domain Keys
(ii) Setup SPF Record in your DNS
(iii) Setup Domain Keys
I have seen on many occasions if you use shared hosting plan, most emails do land up in spam/bulk folder in the users inbox. So use a dedicated server.
Set up reverse IPs for Mailserver IPs
In order to setup reverse IP, first you will need to place a request to your hosting provider (since they own Ip address) and ask them to setup a reverse IP to your mail server. Once that is done you have to place a line using PTR in your domain zone file.
To test reverse ip lookup:
host <ip-address>
will show the output of reverse dns.
Set up SPF record
SPF record is setup using TXT record in your dns zone file. It looks like what is shown below. Visit http://openspf.org for more information about setup and configuration.
domain.com. IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all"
To query SPF record using dig:
dig domain.com TXT
Domain Keys
It basically contains 2 records (with and without selector) placed under TXT using underscore along with generated public key.
The ’sel’ is a selector and can be selector name.
How to set up DNS nameservers for your domain using BIND9
Just go to your linux console and type the following commands.
yum install bind
Create a new zone file for your domain and insert the sample zone file (see below). You have to change domain.com, serial and email parameters.
nano /var/named/domain.com.db
Open /etc/named.conf and place the following lines:
zone "domain.com" {
type master;
file "/var/named/domain.com.com.db";
type master;
file "/var/named/domain.com.com.db";
Save changes to the file and restart bind.
service named restart
Sample DNS Zone File for BIND
Use this file to set up your domains and nameservers in BIND9:
;for ANY Domain (Just change domain.com to your site)
$TTL 14400
$ORIGIN domain.com.
; SOA Record
; Specify Primary nameserver ns1.domain.com
; Serial should increment every update
@ 14400 IN SOA ns1.domain.com. webmaster.domain.com. (
2009092902 ; Serial in YYYYMMDDXX (XX is increment)
10800; refresh seconds
3600; retry
604800; expire
38400; minimum
; Website IP Address specified in A record
IN A xx.xx.xx.xx
; Minimum 2 DNS nameserver names
IN NS ns1.domain.com.
IN NS ns2.domain.com.
; Mapping all Nameservers and their corresponding IPs (GLUE)
ns1 IN A xx.xx.xx.xx
ns2 IN A xx.xx.xx.xx
; Specify any subdomains and www entry here using CNAME record
www IN CNAME domain.com.
ftp IN CNAME domain.com.
server IN CNAME domain.com.
webmail IN CNAME domain.com.
; Setup MX record (mail exchanger with priority)
domain.com. IN MX 10 mail.domain.com.
; set A record for mail
mail IN A xx.xx.xx.xx;====================================
;for ANY Domain (Just change domain.com to your site)
$TTL 14400
$ORIGIN domain.com.
; SOA Record
; Specify Primary nameserver ns1.domain.com
; Serial should increment every update
@ 14400 IN SOA ns1.domain.com. webmaster.domain.com. (
2009092902 ; Serial in YYYYMMDDXX (XX is increment)
10800; refresh seconds
3600; retry
604800; expire
38400; minimum
; Website IP Address specified in A record
IN A xx.xx.xx.xx
; Minimum 2 DNS nameserver names
IN NS ns1.domain.com.
IN NS ns2.domain.com.
; Mapping all Nameservers and their corresponding IPs (GLUE)
ns1 IN A xx.xx.xx.xx
ns2 IN A xx.xx.xx.xx
; Specify any subdomains and www entry here using CNAME record
www IN CNAME domain.com.
ftp IN CNAME domain.com.
server IN CNAME domain.com.
webmail IN CNAME domain.com.
; Setup MX record (mail exchanger with priority)
domain.com. IN MX 10 mail.domain.com.
; set A record for mail
mail IN A xx.xx.xx.xx;====================================