Generate Linux Random Password

How do I generate random passwords on the Linux command line using the bash shell?

You can use the following shell function to generate random password. Edit ~/.bashrc file, enter:
$ vi $HOME/.bashrc

Append the following code:
genpasswd() {
 local l=$1
        [ "$l" == "" ] && l=16
       tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c ${l} | xargs
Save and close the file. Source ~/.bashrc again, enter:
$ source ~/.bashrc
To generate random password, enter:
$ genpasswd
To generate 8 character long random password, enter:
$ genpasswd 8

Linux Random Password Generator Command

  • See how to use makepasswd> command to generate true random passwords by using the /dev/random feature of Linux.
